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Attack Performance

By admin | 20 April 2014 | 0 Comments

Super Bike Paint is proud to help in any level of racing. We especially enjoyed our involvement in the Attack Performance MotoGP campaign from 2012-2013. After spotting an ugly duckling of a GP bike at Laguna in 2012 we reached out to Richard Stanboli of Attack to see where we could help. The bike went through a few transformations through the process. We designed and painted three different schemes that made 5 grids. Our biggest achievement throughout this process was helping to design and fabricate a new tail section.

San Diego BMW

By admin | 20 April 2014 | 0 Comments

IN 2013 SD BMW contacted Super Bike Paint about being involved with the Land Speed Record (LSR) project they were heading up. SBKpaint designed and painted a big body S1000RR in traditional BMW livery. SD BMW went on to be the talk of the meet achieving 5 records total. SBKpaint and SD BMW came together for 2014 as well. We decided on a crush orange candy color for 2014. We also helped finalize some fiberglass mods for the 2014 bodywork. We wish SD BMW goodluck this year!


By admin | 20 April 2014 | 0 Comments

RACERS! If you Race in any class at any level we want to hear from you. SBKpaint proudly offers sponsorship to all licensed racers. Minimum tier sponsorship includes discount on design and paint work plus FREE CRASH REPAIR!!!
Bikes must first have an "SBKpaint" job for crash repair sponsorship to apply.
Paint job sponsorship does NOT carry over to new owner.